
Low Power BLE Enabled Weighing Scale

OSHWA Certificate

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation
  3. OSHWA Certification



The A9/A9G are a pair of low-cost GPRS SoC modules from AI Thinker. The A9G variant includes an on-chip GPS. The firmware uses a custom RTOS and we have created a set of libraries to simplify custom product development.

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

ESP32 BLE/WiFi Chip

The ESP32 needs no introduction as the most popular WiFi module around. Our building blocks make the core ESP-IDF as user friendly as the Arduino code base without compromising on size or speed.

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

Mobile App Plugins

We build our mobile apps using Flutter due to its cross-platform capabilities and excellent performance. The Flutter ecosystem is still nascent and we have sponsored and released a number of open-source plugins to assist with common IoT use cases.


  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

AWS Cognito

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

AWS AppSync

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation


  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

WiFi Configuration

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

P2P Network File Sync

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

Plugin Scaffold

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

Super Logging

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation

Keyboard Events

  1. Github Repo                    
  2. Documentation

PDF Viewer

  1. Github Repo
  2. Documentation


Passive RFID Range Calculator

  1. Google Sheet