Smarter Light Therapy

Customer – Light Tree Ventures

“Light Tree Ventures Group is one of the largest R&D and manufacturing companies of medical devices, LLLT, and LED therapy devices.”

Problem Statement

LTV wanted to build out internal IoT capabilities to add to their strengths in designing and manufacturing consumer light therapy products.


Qure App Animation

We have been working closely the LTV team through a combination of building blocks and mentoring. The code kits cover firmware for BLE and WiFi chipsets, apps for Android and iOS and scripts for data parsing. With hands-on mentoring, code reviews and architectural advice, we have been able to help LTV ship multiple IoT enabled products and build internal systems.


  1. SDKs and policies for Android and iOS change very often and app approvals, sometimes, feel whimsical. We ensure our code kits keep up with the tides!
  2. Good code frameworks can unlock significant potential from even inexperienced developers. But these frameworks are hard to come by, especially for firmware. This triggered the launch of our Docs
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